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authorCrazazy2023-01-05 14:21:20 +0100
committerCrazazy2023-07-14 17:33:37 +0200
commitfe033bb3f4a79e14b2dfa6ab0297801ce052f475 (patch)
parent6eb330fcbc9b9e6d1fdf6cd3a59b34c84c07c18f (diff)
add more erc defaults
1 files changed, 23 insertions, 16 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
index 4b2d975..92bf0fa 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -75,23 +75,30 @@ Also, if you just stumbled accross this at random, there is an easy tangle butto
     with my preferred nickname
     #+begin_src emacs-lisp :tangle emacsconfig/extras.el
       (use-package erc
-	:custom
-	(erc-server-reconnect-attempts 10)
-	(erc-nick "crazazy")
-	:config
-	(defmacro irc-quickjoin (servername url &optional nick)
-	  "create a function to quickly join a server. Servers can be joined with M-x SERVERNAME-irc"
-	  `(defun ,(intern (concat (symbol-name servername) "-irc")) (password)
-	     (interactive (list (password-read "Password: ")))
-	     (erc-tls :server ,url
-		      :nick ,(if nick
-				 nick
-			       "crazazy")
-		      :port 6697
-		      :password password)))
+        :custom
+        (erc-server-reconnect-attempts 10)
+        (erc-nick "crazazy")
+        (erc-autojoin-channels-alist '((""
+                                        "#cafe"
+                                        "#meta")
+                                       (""
+                                        "#emacs"
+                                        "#haskell"
+                                        "#systemcrafters")))
+        :config
+        (defmacro irc-quickjoin (servername url &optional nick)
+          "create a function to quickly join a server. Servers can be joined with M-x SERVERNAME-irc"
+          `(defun ,(intern (concat (symbol-name servername) "-irc")) (password)
+             (interactive (list (password-read "Password: ")))
+             (erc-tls :server ,url
+                      :nick ,(if nick
+                                 nick
+                               "crazazy")
+                      :port 6697
+                      :password password)))
-	(irc-quickjoin tilde "")
-	(irc-quickjoin libera ""))
+        (irc-quickjoin tilde "")
+        (irc-quickjoin libera ""))
 *** Dashboard
     Gives me access to the most recent files I edited, and some other stuff that I don't really care about