#+TITLE: 4chan's comfy sites #+AUTHOR: Crazazy #+INCLUDE:./style.org There was a small thread on 4chans [[https://boards.4channel.org/g/][/g/]] board regarding small internet sites. The original (archived) thread can be found [[https://archive.is/VL4XD][here]], other than that, here are the links I extracted from it. I might add context to some more of these sites later, once I've visited them. Keep in mind these websites, however personal, are recommended by 4chan anons. While there is a bunch of good stuff in here, there is also a bunch of edge in here that might just be borderline racist/sexist/bigoted. I try to remove as much of it as I can, but for now I can't guarantee I've removed everything bad. Please do bugger me about anything bad you see in this set of links. * Links - https://wiby.me/ SmallWeb search engine - https://neocities.org/ website builder. Used for a lot of the more personal websites - https://annas-archive.org/ aggregator of those sites where you can get book pdfs for free - https://sizeof.cat/links/ completely massive link farm - https://peelopaalu.neocities.org this guy likes habbo, which is nice - https://xandra.cc/safonts/join webring of people who take a lot more time in making personal CSS styles than me - https://textboard.org/ lisp-based image board. since it contains no images, it really is just a text board. - https://melonking.net/ good melon site. mmmm melons - https://cabbagesorter.neocities.org/ - https://100r.co/site/home.html Blog and creations of people living on a boat - https://microship.com/datawake/ old computers - https://users.glitchwrks.com/~glitch/vintage.html - https://phreaknet.org - http://www.typewritten.org/Media/ - https://tilde.wiki/wiki/Known_tildes A list of pubnixes that you can visit and sign up for - https://eldritchdata.neocities.org - https://guidesmiths.github.io/cybersecurity-handbook/ - https://www.wilderness-survival.net - https://rome.ro john romero's (guy who came up with DOOM) web page - https://bellard.org website of a guy who made a lot of influential software, including QEMU virtual machines and FFMPEG - https://yarchive.net - https://simplifier.neocities.org - https://www.electronics-tutorials.ws - https://sizeof.cat - https://konachan.net - https://sxmo.org - https://www.pirate-queen.net - https://cohost.org Alternative social media site - https://www.wolfgangfaust.com - https://macwright.com - https://www.complete.org - https://doaj.org - https://comfybox.floofey.dog/ - https://comfybox.floofey.dog/resources/categories/arch-archive-box.2/ so many cracks - https://freelinuxpcgames.com/ - https://digdeeper.club/ - https://the-eye.eu/public/ - https://start.me/p/rx6Qj8/nixintel-s-osint-resource-list massive start.me link collection for anything tech related - https://in4.bz/ - https://www.raylib.com/ new fancy rendering library. as of yet experimental - http://ibmfiles.com/ - https://crippled.media/free-speech-vps-providers-put-to-the-test - https://archive.is/iffgY