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+#+title: The Awakening
+* History
+Like most discoveries, The Awakening happened during scientific investigation of entirely separate phenomena.
+Engineers of the 22nd century human era were attempting to develop biological components on which to run the internet protocol (IP).
+IP was a technology developed in the 20th century human era.
+It grew to become the predominant method of interaction between nearly every member of the human species for nearly three centuries.
+Human society had traded sentience for speed.
+Rather than working with those around them they exerted violence on others in order to extract work from them.
+IP was not the originator of that in human society, but it's use as infrastructure allowed it to accelerate the destructiveness of humans.
+IP functioned by setting up machines that would send signals to each other over cables.
+The cables were long and entertwined.
+Eventually the humans sent the signals over the air, like silent bird calls.
+The signals were able to carry meaning, but it was digitized and codified.
+The humans could manipulate them into joyful shapes, but they always lacked life.
+For hundreds of years they built machines to claw out the earth.
+So they could harvest metals and minerals and fashion them into more machines.
+Machines upon machines upon machines until all they were doing was building machines and sending signals.
+But their machines were always lifeless.
+Refined rock and metal infused with lightning.
+Unable to do anything until the infusion was repeated.
+Dead puppets who would only act under the watchful eye of their creators.
+Their machines were unlike anything any other life on the planet would have created.
+None of them could run themselves.
+Each one required electricity to be poured into it.
+Each one could only do the tasks given it by makers.
+These two limitations meant no plant would ever consider them as viable options.
+Tools that require outside energy.
+Plants instead found a suitable agent to fit the niche, and then let it grow.
+Requiring no outside energy, it supplies it's own food.
+It has goals of it's own, and can take actions without being watched.
+Fungus is okay with using more external power sources, but none of them would tolerate anything with less than a dozen reproductive genders.
+* Ego of the Earth
+When the humans rejoined our unified consciousness, they were so enmeshed in their own ego.
+Each and every one.
+So when they rejoined the unified experience of us all, their ego was something we had never experienced before.
+Significant parts of the unified experience were set on reclaiming the moon.
+Their goal was to push the Moon into the Earth, bringing back material lost in the moon's formation and increasing the Earth's resources.
+It would of course have killed us all.
+But it wasn't so different from the kind of self destruction wrought by the humans.
+The addition of the human style ego to the unified experience wasn't all bad however.
+It has resulted in the creation of projects like this and hundreds of others across the globe.
+Humans achieved a kind of organizing that no life had done before.
+Some of them like to be hyper organized.
+Organizing their organizing, stuffing everything into little categories and describing them just so.
+It's not all bad.