/* Copyright (C) 2018 Curtis McEnroe <june@causal.agency> * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include <err.h> #include <stdbool.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <sysexits.h> #include <wchar.h> #include "chat.h" enum { BufLen = 512 }; static struct { wchar_t buf[BufLen]; wchar_t *ptr; wchar_t *end; wchar_t *tab; } line = { .ptr = line.buf, .end = line.buf, }; // XXX: editTail must always be called after editHead. static wchar_t tail; const wchar_t *editHead(void) { tail = *line.ptr; *line.ptr = L'\0'; return line.buf; } const wchar_t *editTail(void) { if (tail) *line.ptr = tail; *line.end = L'\0'; tail = L'\0'; return line.ptr; } static void left(void) { if (line.ptr > line.buf) line.ptr--; } static void right(void) { if (line.ptr < line.end) line.ptr++; } static void backWord(void) { left(); wchar_t *word = wcsnrchr(line.buf, line.ptr - line.buf, L' '); line.ptr = (word ? &word[1] : line.buf); } static void foreWord(void) { right(); wchar_t *word = wcsnchr(line.ptr, line.end - line.ptr, L' '); line.ptr = (word ? word : line.end); } static void insert(wchar_t ch) { if (line.end == &line.buf[BufLen - 1]) return; if (line.ptr != line.end) { wmemmove(line.ptr + 1, line.ptr, line.end - line.ptr); } *line.ptr++ = ch; line.end++; } static void backspace(void) { if (line.ptr == line.buf) return; if (line.ptr != line.end) { wmemmove(line.ptr - 1, line.ptr, line.end - line.ptr); } line.ptr--; line.end--; } static void delete(void) { if (line.ptr == line.end) return; right(); backspace(); } static void killBackWord(void) { wchar_t *from = line.ptr; backWord(); wmemmove(line.ptr, from, line.end - from); line.end -= from - line.ptr; } static void killForeWord(void) { wchar_t *from = line.ptr; foreWord(); wmemmove(from, line.ptr, line.end - line.ptr); line.end -= line.ptr - from; line.ptr = from; } static char *prefix; static void complete(struct Tag tag) { if (!line.tab) { line.tab = wcsnrchr(line.buf, line.ptr - line.buf, L' '); line.tab = (line.tab ? &line.tab[1] : line.buf); prefix = awcsntombs(line.tab, line.ptr - line.tab); if (!prefix) err(EX_DATAERR, "awcstombs"); } const char *next = tabNext(tag, prefix); if (!next) return; wchar_t *wcs = ambstowcs(next); if (!wcs) err(EX_DATAERR, "ambstowcs"); size_t i = 0; for (; wcs[i] && line.ptr > &line.tab[i]; ++i) { line.tab[i] = wcs[i]; } while (line.ptr > &line.tab[i]) { backspace(); } for (; wcs[i]; ++i) { insert(wcs[i]); } free(wcs); size_t pos = line.tab - line.buf; if (!pos && line.tab[0] != L'/') { insert(L':'); } else if (pos >= 2) { if (line.buf[pos - 2] == L':' || line.buf[pos - 2] == L',') { line.buf[pos - 2] = L','; insert(L':'); } } insert(L' '); } static void accept(void) { if (!line.tab) return; line.tab = NULL; free(prefix); tabAccept(); } static void reject(void) { if (!line.tab) return; line.tab = NULL; free(prefix); tabReject(); } static void enter(struct Tag tag) { if (line.end == line.buf) return; *line.end = L'\0'; char *str = awcstombs(line.buf); if (!str) err(EX_DATAERR, "awcstombs"); input(tag, str); free(str); line.ptr = line.buf; line.end = line.buf; } void edit(struct Tag tag, enum Edit op, wchar_t ch) { switch (op) { break; case EditLeft: reject(); left(); break; case EditRight: reject(); right(); break; case EditHome: reject(); line.ptr = line.buf; break; case EditEnd: reject(); line.ptr = line.end; break; case EditBackWord: reject(); backWord(); break; case EditForeWord: reject(); foreWord(); break; case EditInsert: accept(); insert(ch); break; case EditBackspace: reject(); backspace(); break; case EditDelete: reject(); delete(); break; case EditKillBackWord: reject(); killBackWord(); break; case EditKillForeWord: reject(); killForeWord(); break; case EditKillLine: reject(); line.end = line.ptr; break; case EditComplete: complete(tag); break; case EditEnter: accept(); enter(tag); } }