#!/usr/bin/env sh set -e echo "Hi noa. Let's get things set up~" echo "This script assumes a debian install." echo echo "=== INSTALL NECESSARY SOFTWARE ===" echo "Please run:" echo "> sudo apt install rclone keepassxc firefox webext-ublock-origin-firefox webext-keepassxc-browser" read -p "Press RET to move to the next step." echo "=== SET UP FLATPAK ===" # TODO---do i need this? read -p "Press RET to move to the next step." echo "=== SET UP CHINESE INPUT ===" echo "Please run:" echo "> sudo apt install fcitx5 fcitx-config-qt fcitx5-frontend-qt5 fcitx5-frontend-qt6 fcitx5-theme-breeze kde-config-fcitx5" # TODO read -p "Press RET to move to the next step." echo read -p "First we need the keepassxc database. Download it to ~/Documents/Passwords.kdbx and press RET when you're ready." while [ ! -f ~/Documents/Passwords.kdbx ]; do read -p "It looks like ~/Documents/Passwords.kdbx doesn't exist. Try again and press RET when you're ready." done echo echo "=== SET UP KEEPASS BROWSER INTEGRATION ===" echo "If you didn't install it with the system package manager, go to https://addons.mozilla.org/zh-CN/firefox/addon/keepassxc-browser/ and install it there." echo "Make sure to go to keepassxc > preferences > browser integration and enable integration for firefox." echo "If it still doesn't work, it's likely an issue with using a flatpak or apparmor." read -p "When you are ready, press RET." echo echo "=== SYNC FILES FROM FASTMAIL ===" read -rp "Fastmail username: " fastmailusername echo "Now to https://app.fastmail.com/settings/security/integrations/devicekeys/new?u=0b814011 and create a new app password with access to webdav." read -rsp "Fastmail app password: " fastmailpassword echo # Read with -s appears not to properly newline rclone config create fastmail webdav \ url "https://webdav.fastmail.com/" \ vendor "fastmail" \ user "$fastmailusername" \ pass "$fastmailpassword" \ --obscure echo echo "Now we will sync the standard directories from the fastmail remote." # Checkout https://rclone.org/commands/rclone_bisync/ rclone copy fastmail:noa.gaiwan.org/files/Documents ~/Documents -P rclone copy fastmail:noa.gaiwan.org/files/Music ~/Music -P rclone copy fastmail:noa.gaiwan.org/files/Videos ~/Videos -P rclone copy fastmail:noa.gaiwan.org/files/Pictures ~/Pictures -P rclone copy fastmail:noa.gaiwan.org/files/Scripts ~/Scripts -P echo echo "=== INSTALL ANKI ===" echo "The packaged version of anki is very old, and i'd rather not use the flatpak." echo "First please run:" echo "> sudo apt install libxcb-xinerama0 libxcb-cursor0 libnss3" echo "Then go to https://github.com/ankitects/anki/releases/ and download the latest release." echo "> tar xaf Downloads/anki-2XXX-linux-qt6.tar.zst" echo "> cd anki-2XXX-linux-qt6" echo "> sudo ./install.sh" echo echo "=== DOWNLOAD WIKIPEDIA MIRROR ===" echo "Go to https://ftp.halifax.rwth-aachen.de/aarddict/zhwiki/ and download the latest slob file." echo echo "Thanks~"