# Part of rabbitears See LICENSE for permissions # Copyright (C) 2022 Matt Arnold from IRC import * import os import random import ssl import socket import sys import irctokens import json LINEEND = '\r\n' # IRC Config config = None with open('config.json') as f: jld = f.read() config = json.loads(jld) botpass = "unused.factor.this.out" # Need to pass the IRCBot class a socket the reason it doesn't do this itself is # so you can set up TLS or not as you need it # These provide good defaults. But your milage may vary oursock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) context = ssl.SSLContext() context.check_hostname = False context.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_NONE oursock = context.wrap_socket(oursock, server_hostname=config['hostname']) irc = IRCBot(oursock) irc.connect(config['hostname'], config['port'], config['channel'], config['nick'], config['nickpass']) def generate_response(person, message): msg = message.strip(LINEEND) if 'cool.person' in person and msg.lower() == "hello botley": return "Greetings Master" elif msg.lower() == "hello": return "Greetings Human!" else: return None while True: try: text = irc.get_response() print(text[0],text[1],text[2]) if text[1] == 'PRIVMSG' and text[2][0] == config['channel']: r = generate_response(text[0],text[2][1]) if r is not None: irc.send_privmsg(config['channel'],r) except KeyboardInterrupt: irc.send_quit("Ctrl-C Pressed") msg = oursock.recv(4096) print(msg) sys.exit(0)