.Dd September 2, 2024 .Dt mu-sdl 1 .Os .Sh NAME .Nm mu-sdl .Nd audio player that never stops meowing .Sh SYNOPSIS .Nm mu-sdl .Op audio file .Sh DESCRIPTION .Nm will play audio files you drag and drop onto its window currently supported formats: .Bl -bullet .It s3xmodit .It midi .El .Sh ENVIRONMENT SOUNDFONT soundfont to use for midi .Sh FILES /usr/share/sounds/sf2/default-GM.sf2 default soundfont .Sh EXAMPLES SOUNDFONT=gm.sf2 .Nm e1m1.mid will play .Em e1m1.mid on loop with the soundfont .Em gm.sf2 you can then hit .Em space or .Em escape to pause and quit the program, respectively .Sh SEE ALSO .Xr mu123 1 .Xr openmpt123 1 .Xr out123 1 .\" .Sh STANDARDS .\" .Sh HISTORY .Sh AUTHORS .An sylvie .\" .Sh CAVEATS .Sh BUGS loading midi files leaks ~15KB of memory each time i have no idea how to fix that .\" there is also a crash i couldnt reproduce .\" i think i fixed it .\" .Sh SECURITY CONSIDERATIONS .\" Not used in OpenBSD.