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authorErik Oosting2024-01-16 21:22:59 +0100
committerErik Oosting2024-01-16 21:22:59 +0100
commita152771d93f39df22f666592b3de2293437ab904 (patch)
parentcbc3b5d7ee843d4334580c282371b92de728cb94 (diff)
added back 3 hours of work
hopefully this is all correct, I lost it when I forgot to soave
2 files changed, 49 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/haskell/app/Lift.hs b/haskell/app/Lift.hs
index d31eab1..fa22a17 100644
--- a/haskell/app/Lift.hs
+++ b/haskell/app/Lift.hs
@@ -39,3 +39,51 @@ findVarsAExp :: AExpF [String] -> [String]
 findVarsAExp (IdentF ns) = [ns]
 findVarsAExp (LamF args cexp) = converge (\\ args) (fold findVars cexp)
 findVarsAExp def = foldMap id def
+-- replacing free variables with a new one if it matches the argument
+compareNames n m = if n == m then n ++ "_" else n
+-- | replace bound variables in AExps
+replaceVarsAExp :: String -> AExpF a -> AExpF a
+replaceVarsAExp n (IdentF m) = IdentF $ compareNames m n
+replaceVarsAExp n (LamF args body) =
+    LamF
+        (fmap (\x -> if x == n then x ++ "_" else x) args)
+        (cata replaceVarsCExp body n)
+replaceVarsAExp _ rest = rest
+-- | replace bound variables in CExps
+replaceVarsCExp :: CExpF (String -> CExp) -> String -> CExp
+replaceVarsCExp (LetF name fc restf) = do
+    env <- id
+    rest <- restf
+    let newName = compareNames name env
+    return $ Let newName (replaceVarsFC env fc) rest
+replaceVarsCExp (IfF cond thenF elseF) = do
+    thenPart <- thenF
+    elsePart <- elseF
+    env <- id
+    return $ If (hoist (replaceVarsAExp env) cond) thenPart elsePart
+replaceVarsCExp (FCF fc) = do
+    env <- id
+    return $ FC (replaceVarsFC env fc)
+-- | replace bound variables in Function calls
+replaceVarsFC :: String -> Funcall -> Funcall
+replaceVarsFC n (Atom aexp) = Atom $ hoist (replaceVarsAExp n) aexp
+replaceVarsFC n (Call name args) =
+    Call
+        (compareNames name n)
+        $ fmap (hoist (replaceVarsAExp n)) args
+subVarsAExp :: ([String], AExpF a) -> AExpF ([String], a)
+subVarsAExp (env, LamF args body) = let
+  toReplace = intersect env args
+  newArgs = fmap (\x -> if x `elem` toReplace then x ++ "_" else x) args
+  newBody = foldl (cata replaceVarsCExp) body toReplace
+  in LamF newArgs (cotransverse subVarsCExp (newArgs ++ env, newBody))
+subVarsAExp (env, rest) = fmap (env,) rest
+subVarsCExp :: ([String], CExpF a) -> CExpF ([String], a)
+subVarsCExp = undefined
diff --git a/haskell/pkgs/llvm-codegen.nix b/haskell/pkgs/llvm-codegen.nix
index 57a95c8..76e6a8d 100644
--- a/haskell/pkgs/llvm-codegen.nix
+++ b/haskell/pkgs/llvm-codegen.nix
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ mkDerivation {
     base bytestring containers dlist ghc-prim hspec hspec-hedgehog
     mmorph mtl neat-interpolation text text-builder-linear
+  doHaddock = false;
   testToolDepends = [ llvm-config ];
   homepage = "";
   license = lib.licenses.bsd3;